Wednesday 17 October 2012

Traffic Generation – Blogs

Traffic Generation – Blogs

You’ve probably heard that there is a great deal of money to be made by using blogs – whether you are into affiliate marketing, or an Adsense publisher. You can use a blog in several different ways.

First, you can use just the blog, as opposed to having a separate static website.
You can also use a blog to drive traffic to a static website. Either way works, but in the long run, it’s easier to have a blog, with your own domain, hosted on a web
server, than it is to operate both a blog and a website.

Promoting a blog is much easier and faster than promoting a website, because blogs are so interactive, and if you are using Wordpress, there are tons of site promotion plugins you can use…

For instance, people can come to your blog, subscribe to it, leave comments on it, and go to their own blogs and write about something that you wrote about, quote you and leave a trackback. This works the opposite way as well.

To promote a blog, there are very specific things you do:

1.         You ping your blog after each post. You can do this at a site such as, which will send the ping to multiple blog directories at one time.

2.         You use social bookmarks each time you make a post, tagging the post with your keywords. You can quickly and easily send out multiple bookmarks at one time by using a service such as

3.         You burn your feed at a free site such as
This lists your feed in their directory, so that people may subscribe before they’ve ever even visited your blog.

4.         You visit relevant blogs that belong to others, and leave relevant comments
(not comment spam) with a link back to your own blog.

5.         You quote other people’s blogs – just portions, not the entire post – and link to it using your trackback feature. Your link to that post will automatically appear on their trackback list for that post, if they have enabled trackbacks.

6.         You use the same promotional techniques that you use for a static website, along with the five techniques listed above.

If you can, make a blog post each day. Otherwise, you should be making a blog post each and every week, once a week. If you’re blog isn’t updated, you can’t really promote it very well.

If you want to use the other method, where you have a blog and a website, you can do this as well. The idea here is to use the same promotional techniques for the blog, and then in each blog post, point to your website. You can even setup a network of blogs, each on a separate sub-topic, and put links on each one to your main site.

As you can see, if you are an Adsense publisher, this may be a bit redundant,
since you can publish the same information on your blog, and it gets promoted in much the same way – and you can put Adsense on your blog just as you can on static webpages.

Generally, if someone has both a blog and a website, it is because they are promoting several products, or their own product. Again, as an Adsense publisher, with no other source of revenue, it makes sense to just have one or more blogs, instead of a static website as well.

But there is another way to use both that I will reveal later on…

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