Wednesday 17 October 2012

Keys to Success

Keys To Success

There are numerous factors that will determine your success in the Google Adsense program. There is no luck to it. You can be the most unlucky person in the world, and still succeed with Google Adsense. It’s all about understanding exactly how to run your Google Adsense Empire.

Note the word ‘empire.’ That’s where a great deal of your success will come from. If you just have one site that you run Google Adsense on, your chances for success are very limited.

You will have to drive huge amounts of traffic to that site in order to make Google Adsense worth your time and effort. Ideally, you should have numerous sites on a variety of topics.

Choosing the right topics – the highest paying topics – is also another factor for Adsense success. If you have ten sites, all with keywords that only pay five cents a click, you will need to keep your traditional job, or look for another source of income.

You will make a little money, but not enough to live on. Choose topics based on the highest paying keywords for success.

Choosing topics that have a high amount of searches is also a factor, but there is a trick to it. For instance, weight loss is a highly searched for topic, but it’s too varied, and too competitive.

Instead, narrow your focus on weight loss, and choose a niche within a niche, such as Hoodia weight loss, or weight loss for diabetic women. While you may earn a little less per click, you will be able to focus more greatly on getting traffic to the site.

Your ad units, ad links, and search boxes should match your site for best results. If the ads stand out too much, they will get fewer clicks. Adsense publishers have been testing ad placement and palettes since the the Adsense program started, and you would do well to follow what that research has found.

Traffic is the next factor for determining Google Adsense success. Without traffic, there is no success.

You need to use all of the proven traffic driving techniques at your disposal to drive as much traffic to your site as possible, on a continual basis. Content may be king, but if that is so, Traffic is the Pope, and even the king answers to the Pope.

All About Residual Income With Adsense

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Google Adsense Secrets Revealed

Another factor for Google Adsense success is continuing to build. You need to continually add new content to your site, and create new sites. Keep an eye on the most frequently searched keywords.

Publish sites for at least the top ten, and then continue to build that empire. Even if you just added one page a month to each site, you could still keep it under control and have time to do other things.

For best results, get a server that will allow you to host unlimited domains. This will make it easier to keep track of everything and to update sites. Also use content management systems for your sites, where you can easily add content, without having to design a new page. Blogs are also great for Adsense.

Writing fresh content is time consuming, and buying fresh content can get expensive. If you find yourself in this dilemma, purchase private label rights articles, and pay a writer to rewrite them.

You will find that the content is produced much faster, and much cheaper. You could also opt to rewrite the content yourself.

The most important success factor for Adsense, however, is how much time and effort you are willing to put into it. The less time you put into it, the less success you will have. The more you put into it, the more success you will have, as long as you are taking the other factors into consideration.

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